Water quality measurements reveal information about the health of our lakes. PLM Lake and Land Management Corporation (contractor), and CLPL volunteers monitor the health of CLPL by taking routine measurements (water clarity, temperature, acidity, turbidity, and more).

The Property Owners Association contracts with PLM Lake and Land Management Corporation, a licensed aquatic weed control contractor that monitors water quality twice each season on Crystal and Perch Lakes (see reports below). PLM uses herbicides and other chemicals to control invasive plants but is restricted to applications away from the shoreline. PLM posts signs stating the chemicals used, and swimming or other restrictions after treatment.

Some homeowners who would like to control weeds can arrange weed treatment in nearshore lakefront areas by contacting PLM directly at 800-382-4434. The annual form requesting weed control must be submitted directly to the vendor. The newest form will be posted to this site each spring.


  • Crystal and Perch Lake water quality data is also collected by volunteers. Please reach out if you are interested in assisting with these activities.
  • Join the Carp hunt to remove these invasive fish