Financial Topics

How can I see a copy of the current CLPL Property Owners Association (POA) budget?
The current Treasurer's budget report is found on the Association page in the resources section.
Please, contact the Board Secretary or complete the Contact Form, and select Treasurer if you are looking for a budget report from earlier fiscal years.
What are the POA annual membership dues?
  • There are three parts to the annual POA fees, or dues: 1) administration membership dues, 2) road maintenance dues, and 3) the lake preservation fees. Each of these fees is described in detail in the Crystal Lake-Perch Lake Property Owners Association By-Laws

    Dues are paid annually in accordance with POA By-Laws. The table below outlines the annual CLPL POA fees by type. Fees are based on a member household with one full lot and one housing unit on that lot. See details describing each fee in the bullet points below. POA members will be invoiced for dues following the annual summer meeting.


    Administration Membership Fee

    Road Maintenance Fee

    Lake Preservation Fee

    Total POA Fees





















  • Administration Membership Dues. Administrative dues are used for purposes other than road maintenance and lake preservation, including but not limited to administration, insurance, rental, catering fees, postage, printing, legal and professional service, property taxes, state fees, lien fees, website, post-office box, and contingencies. Dues may also be used for any surplus or deficit from the previous year.

  • Road Maintenance Fees. Road fees are used for but are not limited to maintaining roadways. These fees shall include activities such as grading, gravel, dust control, mowing, snow and ice removal, pole barn storage, repair or replacement of equipment, potential emergencies, safety issues and contingencies, insurance, signage, associated collection and legal fees and professional fees, and shall also include any surplus or deficit from the previous fiscal year. The POA is entitled to collect road maintenance fees from all parcel (lot) owners located in the Supervisor’s Plat. Road maintenance fees will be assessed on a per lot basis.

    • Owners of a lot with a dwelling unit will be invoiced the full fee discussed and approved by the membership at the annual meeting.
    • Fees for vacant lots will be invoiced at a significantly prorated amount (i.e., not more than 10% of the approved Road Maintenance Fees for each half lot and not more than 20% for each full lot).
    • No Road Maintenance Fees will be assessed for lots whose access is from public roads.
  • Lake preservation fees shall be used for the management of the lake water quality and include but are not limited to aquatic invasive species control, plant and shoreline management, water quality assessment and maintenance, lake access by Association members and other property owners with riparian rights on Crystal and Perch Lakes.

    In fall 2020, a Special Assessment District (SAD) was established for Crystal and Perch Lakes. This payment is automatically added to your winter property taxes. The purpose of the SAD is to maintain the beauty and quality of our lakes and property values. Payment of such fees is currently mandatory. However, if a SAD is not continued or in effect, lake preservation fees shall be a voluntary donation.

What is a Special Assessment District?
Special Assessment Districts (SADs) are designated areas where a majority of property owners agree to allow a government agency to levy a property tax in exchange for a specific service. Somerset Township collects these taxes each winter during the SAD period. Questions about the SAD may be directed to the Board of Trustees.
How can I make a financial contribution?
  • You can make a tax-deductible donation to the CLPL Lake Foundationfor purposes meeting their mission. Make donations payable to the “Crystal Perch Lakes Foundation.”
    • Send donations to: PO Box 193, Somerset Center, MI 49282
  • You can also donate directly to the CLPL Property Owners Association which is not tax deductible. Funds are used in support of any administrative activities (e.g., catering or rental costs for the annual picnic, special projects, or administrative functions). You can also designate funds for Road Maintenance, or Lake Preservation. Make donations payable to “CLPL Property Owners Association.”
    • Send donations to: PO Box 51, Somerset Center, MI 49282

Community Related Topics

How many properties and owners are on each lake?

There are 209 lots included on the “Supervisor’s Plat of Crystal Lake,” which includes both Crystal and Perch Lakes, that defines the boundary of the Property Owners Association. Not all properties have lake frontage, but all Association members have lake access.

Currently, there are 153 Property Owners in the Association, with 105 on Crystal Lake, and 38 on Perch Lake. There are 10 POA members with lake access.

How can I contact the Board of Trustees for Crystal Lake & Perch Lake?
Go to the Association page on the website. Use the Contact Form to reach any member of the current Board of Trustees, or the representatives of the CLPL Fishing Committee, CLPL Lake Foundation Board, or the CLPL New Neighbor Committee.
What are the roles on the Board of Trustees?

Trustee roles include President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, Lakes, Roads and Special Projects.

See Article V, Sections 1-9 CLPL POA By-Laws

What events are sponsored by the community each year?
Fundraisers to support, and events and activities to enrich the Lake Community are typically held each year. These will all be posted on the website. Check out the Communications tab that includes news on some of our annual events such as the calendar sale, chili cook-off, boat flotillas, annual picnic/membership party, and fireworks in McCourtie Park (sponsored by Somerset Township)
How can I get involved?
We welcome and encourage all members to get involved as their schedule and interests allow. If you would like to volunteer or learn more about opportunities to assist with Lake and other POA related activities or are interested in a role on the Board, complete the Contact Form.
What is the Crystal-Perch Lakes Foundation and what is its purpose?

The Purpose of the Crystal Lake Perch Lake (CLPL) Foundation is to receive and administer funds for the preservation of Crystal and Perch lakes, and for the education and public welfare of lake property owners. The CLPL Foundation is a 501.C.3 non-profit organization. The Foundation is a separate entity from the Crystal and Perch Lake Property Owners Association, and governed by its own By-Laws.

Learn more about the Foundation, see Foundation.

How can I donate to the CLPL community?

You may donate directly to the CLPL Property Owners Association (POA) or to the CLPL Foundation which is tax deductible.

Support the POA

Support the Lakes Foundation

Lake Related Topics: Boating, Swimming and Fishing, Water Quality

How large are Perch and Crystal Lakes?

Crystal and Perch Lakes vary significantly in size.

The Crystal Lake basin is approximately 130 acres, with a mean water depth of approximately 14 feet. The deepest point is approximately 62 feet. Crystal Lake includes 3.7 miles of shoreline, and contains two large trenches running north to south, on the east and west sides of the lake.

The Perch Lake basin is approximately 45 acres, with a mean water depth of approximately 6 feet. The deepest point is approximately 10 ft. Perch Lake includes 1.3 miles of shoreline.

See the Crystal and Perch Lakes aerial photo

How healthy are the lakes?

The health of the lakes can be measured through water quality, diversity of aquatic plants, native or invasive species, and the fishery. In 2023, the Foundation and POA Boards jointly commissioned an independent study of Crystal and Perch Lakes to assess the health of our lakes and provide unbiased recommendations for consideration.

  • The Board received a detailed report on the study conducted by Restorative Lake Sciences, see the report.
  • The author of the report, a water quality scientist, rated the quality of the lakes a solid B+. However, there is room for improvement. Diligence is critical to maintain this rating and where necessary, improve the health of our lakes.
What can I do to promote a healthy lake environment?
As POA members, we can help to support the health of the lakes by eliminating or reducing the use of products with phosphorous contributing to runoff from roadways and yards with fertilizers, and other products that may be harmful to the lakes. Septic systems may also contribute nitrogen, phosphorus, and E.coli. Maintaining your septic system (e.g., pump your tank every 1-3 years) is critical to water quality. Also, maintaining a natural shoreline with native plants and rocks helps reduce runoff from yards and minimizes shoreline erosion. For more information on these topics visit the Lakes webpage.
What are the “weed” control measures used on Crystal and Perch Lakes?

The threat of invasive aquatic species in our lakes is significant, as it is in many lakes. We must control and/or eradicate invasive species through careful monitoring and targeted treatment. Currently, scientific evidence supports the targeted use of systemic herbicides to control “weeds” like Eurasian Water Milfoil and Curly-leaf Pondweed, present in both lakes. We are monitoring a new invasive weed, Starry Stonewort, and are hopeful that it can be controlled. Most invasive plants and animals are a problem because they take over native plants and animals that are part of a healthy lake ecosystem.

Annually, a systemic lake-wide herbicide treatment plan is developed and executed in consultation with scientific experts, and the cost is included in the annual Lake Management program (SAD).

Any lake front property owner may also arrange for herbicide spot treatment directly in front of their home, at their own cost, as this is not included in the SAD funds collected annually. Payment for spot treatment may be submitted directly to the lake vendor.

What are the key boating, swimming and lake-related issues?
  • Boat Speed. Go slow! Crystal and Perch are no wake lakes. Going slowly, especially near shore reduces accidents with swimmers, and eliminates wave action that leads to erosion of shoreline areas. Slower boating speeds create safer and more sustainable nearshore areas.
  • Boat Direction. All boats must travel counterclockwise on the lake per State of Michigan laws.
  • Right-of-Way. Reminder to all boat captains, smaller watercraft have the right-of-way.
  • Watch for Swimmers. All boaters must keep away from swimmers and those in the water nearshore. Swimmers are advised to use a tow float to assist with visibility and safety.
  • Boat Registration. Boats must be licensed and registered by the state with decals affixed to vessels according to State Law. The local Sheriff and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources have the right to come on our lakes and ticket non-compliant boat owners.
  • Lot Numbers. Per our Association Rules, please also affix CLPL lot numbers on all boats. This will allow identification of your pontoon boat, kayak, canoe, etc., should it come loose during a storm and float to a neighbor’s lot. Lot numbers are available free each spring and summer at the annual POA membership meetings.
  • Ice Shanties. Winter provides a good fishing opportunity when the ice is safe. Please remove your fishing shanty before the ice becomes unsafe in the approaching spring season. Please see the Ice Fishing Shanty Regulation. Also, all shanties must include the home address of the shanty owner on the outside of the structure. Please be sure this is visible and protected from the elements.
  • Boat cleaning and maintenance. Please conduct major boat maintenance on land, away from the water and avoid any contaminated runoff (e.g., paint) that may enter the water. Avoid using any petroleum products near the water. Use non-chemical cleaners like vinegar and baking soda, if possible.
Do I need a license to fish on Crystal or Perch Lake?
  • Yes. Although Crystal and Perch Lakes are private, fishing licenses are required by the State of Michigan. See additional details below.
  • If you are 17 years of age or older, you must purchase a fishing license to fish in the State of Michigan. If turning 17 at any point during the fishing season (April 1 - March 31) you will need to buy a license. If you are under 17, you may fish without a license, but you are required to observe all fishing rules and regulations. For ages 16 and under, a youth fishing license is voluntary and not required.
  • Any adult actively assisting a minor must have a fishing license.
  • Adults without a fishing license may do the following: Help land a fish with a net or their hands, unhook a fish, set up the fishing rod with the appropriate gear, bait the hook, fix tangles or snags, cast the line for young anglers. The young angler must be an active participant, while the adult assists.
  • See the State of Michigan Fishing Guide
Are Crystal and Perch catch and release lakes?
No. The lake is stocked with fish to support both the health of the lakes and provide for fun fishing experiences. However, please follow guidelines governing fishing regulations, above. Also refer to the brochure created specifically by the Crystal Lake Perch Lakes Fishing Committee for recommended daily limits, and catch/photo/release guidelines.
Is there a way to walk all the way around the lake(s) and has the POA ever discussed adding a dedicated walking pathway?
No pathway exists and there are no plans to create one. You are welcome to walk along the 3.6 miles of unpaved and carefully graded roads maintained by the POA Road Crew! There are also hiking trails near Cement City. Also check out the all the nature areas described on our website under Activities Near Crystal and Perch lake.

Homeowner Topics: Rentals, Trash, Items for Sale, Involvement

What about renting my lake home?
All real property within the CLPLPOA is zoned for residential use only, and no short-term rentals (e.g. AirBNB, VRBO) are permitted. See the CLPL By-Laws, Article VIII, Section 1 of the By-Laws, Item #13
How can I sign up for trash & recycling removal service?
  • Waste and recycling collection vendors in the area include a contractor currently servicing the lakes, LRS.
  • Check on Nextdoor, or Facebook for input on other service providers.
  • NOTE: It is critical to properly dispose of all toxic waste, such as batteries, chemicals, and electronics to avoid pollutants that may contaminate the lakes and threaten drinking water.
How can I let POA members know that I have an item to sell or give away?
  • We do not send community-wide emails about items for sale. However, you can join Nextdoor
  • Using Nextdoor, you can inform others in the community of items for sale or other events.
  • You can also join the CLPLPOA Facebook Community
Remind me, how can I get involved?
We welcome and encourage all members to get involved. If you would like to volunteer or learn more about opportunities to assist with Lake and POA related activities or are interested in a role on the Board, complete the Contact Form. THANK YOU!